How It Works

Select what service you are looking for

Simply click GET A QUOTE for the type of service that you need

You can currently choose from residential property Snag Lists and Pre Purchase Surveys

We will be adding additional services shortly

Tell us a little about the property in question


Fill in the basic information about the property so we can provide you with personalised quotes from a number of local professional firms

Quote Results

  • View results from all participating professionals
  • View their fees, the type of report (e.g. Building Survey vs Structural Survey etc.), the level of detail of the inspection and report, sample reports, as well as what types of properties each report is suitable for (e.g. conventional properties vs older period homes/ protected structures etc). Some professionals may offer different levels of service to suit your need and budget
  • Click to see additional details about each service and the professional firm and click  when you are ready to proceed to checkout

Online Booking / Checkout

  • Once you have found the professional and service that you need, click and complete the online checkout. If you know the URL of the specific property on the property listing site you can simply copy and past that OR alternatively complete the property address and estate agent details yourself
  • All payments are made securely through Stripe and are remitted directly to the professional that you have selected
  • As soon as you have completed the checkout, both you and the professional firm receive an instant confirmation email and receipt with all of the details and they will be in touch with you directly to confirm any specifics and complete the service within their normal turnaround times
  • We request professionals not to provide quotes unless they have the capacity to respond and complete the service promptly



Each professional that provides a quote does so having confirmed they have the capacity to respond and complete the service on a timely basis. Each professional is different has a different turn around time but we would expect you to contacted promptly to acknowledge the booking and confirm any remaining details and most services are carried out within 5 business days.

You will receive an acknowledgement email as soon as you book and you are of course free to contact the professional directly if you have the need for urgency

No. We do not apply any booking fees. Each professional will quote their own specific fees based on the service requested which includes VAT.  That is the amount that you will be asked to pay, there are no additional charges.

No. PropertySmart is a technology partner for property professionals. We develop and manage the platform and act as an intermediary connecting clients with professionals. Once you book online, you are directly booking and paying for the services of your chosen professional.  They are responsible for carrying out the selected service, be it a Snag List, Pre-Purchase inspection, Structural Survey or other service.

Pre-purchase inspections are not standard and each professional will offer their own level of service, with different levels of advice and detail in their reports. All professionals on use a common set of categories and descriptions when classifying their services to help you better understand any differences. Below are the main headings that we use to help you pick the right option for you and your budget.

  • Service Offered, i.e. how each professional describes their overall service
  • Type of Inspections,i.e. how detailed is the inspection itself
  • Type of Report provided,i.e. what level of detail you can expect in your report
  • When the survey type is typically used,i.e. what type of property is the report generally used for

There is no cost to you in using this platform. Each professional offers their own tailored services and professional fees.

Yes. PropertySmart is an intermediary and we publish the details of each participating professional in our quote results, including the name of the Firm, contact details and a link to their website so that you are free to do any additional research before you book.